Posted by Big Medicine |


There are literally hundreds of 9/11 sites active today.
Here are couple dozen odd good ones to get you up to speed.
- 911citizenswatch.org - The Citizen Oversight Network for the new National Commission on Terrorism (if/when the Commissioners disgrace themselves or their investigation veers toward farce, this is where you'll hear about it).
- www.911independentcommission.org - Homesite for the Family Steering Committee for the 911 Independent Commission, the victim family members who pushed so fiercely for this independent investigation and have never ever stopped.
- From
The Wilderness AKA copvcia.com - Braveheart Mike Ruppert picked up
on this treachery early, dug deep and held tight.
- The Emperor's New Clothes - Another early 9/11 ancestor site that inspired many more
- The People's Investigation of 9/11 - Very bright crew of international researchers and activists
- unansweredquestions.org - The litany of proliferating mysteries & many good annotated links
- Guerrilla
News Network - High flash hard-hitting site, home of Aftermath
- cooperativeresearch.org - Meticulous investigation,
home of the Mother of all 9/11 Timelines - see below.
- whatreallyhappened.com -
Great breaking-news wire and article/essay archive
- Crimes Against Humanity - The irrepressibly rational Ratical's take.
- Global Research. - Fine links, articles & commentary.
- www.globalfreepress.com - High energy site featuring many aspects of the pre- & post-9/11 corporate coup, especially valuable for its hardhitting multimedia wing, Shadow Government TV, and the meticulous research work of Nico Haupt. See his incredible Online 9/11 Encyclopedia
- www.911review.com - Thoughtful Resource for Understanding the 9/11 Attacks
- www.propagandamatrix.com - Particularly strong page of evidence indicating official prior knowledge of attacks
- www.sigacanada.com - Intrepid 9/11 and political artistry from our Canadian brothers, who helped spawn the amazing Deception Dollar phenomenon.
- Citizen's
For a Legitimate Government - Excellent pages on "9/11 Oddities"
- Oddities
of 9/11 - Much more of the incriminating same.
- www.truth-now.com - good collection of 9/11 and post-9/11 analyses and resources
- Onlinejournal.com - this links to their top 9/11 media picks. Main site offers a lot of sharp analysis of the post-9/11 scene.
- osamaskidneys.com - Wonderfully named 9/11 Skeptics Haunt
- Mad Cow Productions - Tracks 3 flight training hijackers thru the CIA-infested swamps of Venice, Florida.
- Hermes-press.com - Strong on 9/11 and the overall media assault on democracy
- The Power Hour - Gratifying outrage from the conservative Christian quarter.
- 9/11 Research is an excellent engineering summary site on the 9/11 WTC collpases and the Pentagon attack. Lots of typos and bad grammar,
but the graphics are accurate and compelling, and the factual details are
being continuously updated based on incoming info. In
other words, they are open to critique and correction, if informed readers
have something to add (and/or subtract).
Systematic compilations of documented 9/11
facts that make "coincidence theory"
the wildest hypothesis of the day
INVASION YANQUI: The Mexican War, 1846-1848 by Frances Leonard
- You want history of provoked/invited attacks, we got history...
How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents (1848-1989) - More history than you might ever want to know...
- War is a Racket - Gen. Smedley Butler's classic confession and repudiation of his life as a corporate hitman.
- PEARL HARBOR: Mother of All Conspiracies - Exhaustive documentation of FDR's foreknowledge and forced invitation.
- A Second Pearl Harbor?
Implications of Prior Knowledge of Danger to America
by Dr. Norman D. Livergood
Keys to 9/11
By Michelle Mairesse - Deja Vu All over Again
Operation Northwoods - the early Sixties Pentagon plan to attack America, blame it on Castro, and use the patriotic outrage as a pretext to invade and conquer Cuba. Excerpted from James "Puzzle Palace" Bamford's best-selling Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency from the Cold War Through the Dawn of a New Century
The Enemy Within
- Gore Vidal's 7000-word bombshell review of "War on Freedom", published in Britain's leading newspaper, the Guardian 10/27/02
"Did Bush Know?" - Chapter 4 of Nafeez Ahmed's "The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001"
When Democracy Failed - Short gut wrenching history lesson on fascism, official deception and 9/11.
The New U.S.-British Oil Imperialism - The Big Picture (painted in oil)
The U.S. Government, Not the Hijackers, 'Chose' the Date of the 9-11 Attacks by Barbara Honegger - Curioser and curioser, but convincing as hell.
Foreknowledge of 9-11
- globalresearch.ca's compilation of articles/documents in support of a 9-11 Investigation
Most Forwarded Common Dreams Essays on 9/11 - Excellent compendium of insights, anger and eloquence.
- Brainwashing America - Norman Livergood on media complicity in the corporate coup and the march to perpetual war.
Why You're Not Getting the News - More on media betrayal in a crisis time for civil liberties
Bush Lies, Media Swallows
By Eric Alterman, The Nation, 11-7-02
- 911 - What Aren't We Being Told? - Everything you wanted to ask but we're afraid to know: Analysis by John Judge
- August 25, Gail Sheehy publishes the very ballsy and groundbreaking "Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush" that runs
front page in the NY Observer.
- September 6th, MP Michael Meacher, longtime UK Environment Minister, goes public on US complicity in "This War on Terrorism is Bogus." This was
an explosive op-ed in the UK Guardian which accused the US of allowing
9/11 to happen to incite public support for preplanned Mideast invasions
and an ultra-right agenda for world hegemony. The story caused a "furor"
in Britain and spread like wildfire through the Middle East, Europe, Asia
and the Third World. Only American readers were shut out of the news by US
corporate media "restraint".
- MEACHER INTERVIEW VIDEO (conducted in Boston 9/19/03)
Excellent online video interview with Meacher in which he eloquently stands by his guns.
- Donahue-famous 9/11 widow Kristen Breitwieser publicly throws up
on Showtime's "DC 9/11", the Bush-hyping fantasy about his "bold, decisive
leadership" on that day.
- September 11, the Philadelphia Daily News becomes the first major
urban daily to run the Big Questions loud and broad. See "WHY DON'T WE
- September 13, Bill Moyer's NOW brings Sheehy's "Four 9/11 Moms" to
National TV in "9/11 Widows Speak" Although it is PBS and takes a pretty softball approach, this is still the first time that the flimsy "official 9/11 story" and the government's inexplicable response have ever been questioned and/or attacked on American television.
- September 14, Newsweek and MSNBC fore back with
"9/11? It Never Happened - Across Europe, conspiracy theories are all the
rage. Germany is the latest to be swept up by the craze." It's a derisive
debunking of all non-doctrinal 9/11 concerns, invoking the more extreme theories to discredit 9/11 skepticism as a whole.
- September 18, The Nation publishes "9/11/01: WHERE WAS GEORGE?"
by Eric Alterman. (For reasons perhaps too depressing to contemplate, the media
of the establishment left have not only been indifferent to the 9/11
mysteries, they have ferociously attacked anyone who even raised the
questions. That is why this relatively modest Nation sally is really
quite significant. When Ted Kennedy can stand and yell "Iraq War
Fraud!" and the Nation dares to poke in such dark and dangerous holes,
we have indeed come a long, long way.)
- September 29, the Wall Street Journal (!) publishes CONSPIRACY THEORIES ABOUT SEPT. 11 GET HEARING IN GERMANY
(While ostensibly designed a slam/jeer piece, this is an amazingly
ambivalent article that does blurt a lot of facts "out there" that
certainly have never been breathed in this paper before.)
"In AfterMath, we have sought to capture the spirit and essence of the June, 2002 Unanswered Questions press conference at the National Press Club in Washinton, D.C, in which an articulate array of individuals iterated questions that continue to overshadow the official 'version' of the story. With AfterMath, we have asked nine (9) people, eleven (11) of the most pressing questions that emanate from the terrible and, as yet, unexplained, events of that day.
"Narrated by Hip Hop legend Paris and featuring interviews shot by GNN syndicate producers in six cities, AfterMath has been become the most talked about 9/11 expose (and important educating/organizing tool) in countercoup activists' media arsenal."
The Great Deception: The War on Terrorism - An Alternative View - Video: Canadian VisionsTV's Barrie Zwicker's provocative six-part series challenging the official story
- Mike Ruppert's prescient take on the disaster "featuring appearances by Peter Dale Scott, Ph.D.
(U.C. Berkeley); Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin
Fitts; John Metzger, Ph.D., Michigan State University; The Hon.
Cynthia McKinney (D), Georgia; The Hon. Barbara Lee (D), CA; and
the Hon. Ron Paul (R), TX."
- Featuring Michel Chossudovsky, author of War and Globalisation, the Truth behind 9/11 and Canadian Vision TV's Barrie Zwicker, producer of The Great Deception.
Mohammed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus - "Veteran TV Producer Dan Hopsicker has shed a powerful light onto one of the least explored areas of 9-11. By interviewing dozens of eyewitnesses in Florida, Hopsicker has ripped the lid off of the "official" story of how several 9-11 hijackers got their flight training and who really sponsored them." This one overreaches in places, but many of the facts and interviews are riveting.
More 9/11-related videos and excellent resource links from communitycurrency.org
Many other important post-9/11 voices available at Ralph Cole's non-profit (in every sense) Democracy University. Every month Ralph offers over 6 hours of the most riveting speeches of day delivered to your home for $5 flat.
At last the street finds a use for Power Point: test drive Jim Macdonald's early offering 9/11 ...connecting the dots- A timeline of controversial and underreported news stories surrounding September 11th. (Alas not compatible with Netscape)
At the same site, also see Micheal Stinson's infuriating "Bush Knew: An American Requiem - A diary of the words and actions of President George W. Bush on the morning of September 11th."
911 for BEGINNERS - Nifty assortment of subversive media files
For wit, acuity and acid, Mark Fiore is the undisputed mad prince of the countercoup Flash firmament. See for example: "Catch 'em" or "Working for TIPS" or "Bush Doctrine 2.0" or...
Ain't that Good News - Program V
Broadcast: 12/02/02, WBAI,
New York
in order of appearance
(available online for $9 or less)
Robert B. Stinnett served in the United States Navy under Lieutenant George Bush from 1942 to 1946, where he earned ten battle stars and a Presidential Unit Citation. He worked as a photographer and journalost for the Oakland Tribune until 1986, after which he resigned as a full-time employee to devote himself to writing Day of Deceit. He is a consultant on the Pacific War for the BBC and for Asahi and NHK Television in Japan. He divides his time between Oakland and Hawaii.
- KYLE HENCE - Co-founder of unansweredquestions.org