Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County

Democracy Unlimited of Humboldt County (DUHC) educates and organizes to dismantle corporate rule across California and SW Oregon. Inspired by the Program On Corporations, Law and Democracy (POCLAD) - which since 1993 has been generating materials on corporate and legal histories and conducting Rethinking the Corporation/ Rethinking Democracy meetings across the US - we lead workshops and discussions, distribute materials (everything we've produced is marked with a below), publish a newsletter, and just plain educate, organize, activate and strategize!

Please indicate which items you would like to order by writing the quantity you want in the box to the left of each item, providing your name and address on the bottom of this page and mailing the entire sheet to us with checks/money orders (or cash) made out to Democracy Unlimited. We'll send an updated Resource List with your order. All prices include shipping. Contact us for bulk prices.

[   ] Taking Care of Business: Citizenship and the Charter of Incorporation by Richard Grossman and Frank Adams, 32 page pamphlet, 1993. How did giant corporations come to govern? This pamphlet provides a concise history of corporations and corporate law. $4

[   ] Abridged version of above pamphlet, from Earth Island Journal, (Spring '93), 2 pages. $.30

[   ] "Revoking the Corporation", based on Richard Grossman's keynote speech at the March '96 Public Interest Environmental Law conference in Oregon, from Mendocino Environmental Center newsletter, 2 pages. $.30 (Also available as an audiotape - see back of sheet.)

[   ] "Revoking the Corporation" by Ward Morehouse (based on a workshop presentation he gave in Jan '96), from North Coast XPress (Apr/May '96), 2 pages. $.30

[   ] •CA newsletter: 'A Sovereign People' - issue #3 out soon) $1 - or subscribe (see order form)

[   ] •A variety of 8-1/2 x 11" posters for easy copying & distribution, created by Paul Cienfuegos. $1 to $5 (sliding scale) gets you 5 to 10 recent posters. Great for guerrilla postering!

[   ] Excerpts from the California Constitution of 1879 (when citizens still understood that they were sovereign over corporations and acted accordingly), 8 pages. $1.20

[   ] "Speaking Truth to Power About Campaign Reform" by Jane Anne Morris, 4 pages. $.60

[   ] "Attacking Corporate Personhood: The Future of Environmental Law" by Richard Grossman, from Wild Forest Review (April '95), 4 pages. $.60

[   ] "Minorities, the Poor and Ending Corporate Rule" by Richard Grossman and Ward Morehouse, from Poverty and Race newsletter (Sep/Oct '95), 4 pages. $.60

[   ] "Corporations Must Not Supplant 'We The People' " by Richard Grossman, from the Maine Sunday Telegram (4 Feb '96), 2 pages. $.30

[   ] • "Reclaiming Our Historic Authority". A listing of the strict prohibitions citizens once wielded over corporations, and a vision of new limitations appropriate for the 21st century, compiled by Paul Cienfuegos, 2 pages. $.30

( Produced by and also available from the Public Information Network in Seattle.)

[   ] Primer on Corporations (historical overview and much more!), 1997 edition, 50 pages, $7
[   ] Activist Research Manual: Sources of Information on Corporations, 1997 edition, 60 pages, $8
[   ] Essential Resources for Corporate Investigations (a brief excerpt of the above), 3 pages. $.45

[   ] Commentary by Richard Grossman on Justice for Sale: Shortchanging the Public Interest for Private Gain (re how corporations have rewritten US law), from The Workbook (Fall '93), 4 pages. $.60

[   ] Interview with Richard Grossman, from Food and Water Journal (Winter '96), 4 pages. $.60

Rachel's Environment and Health Weekly - each is 2 pages. $.30 (also available via Rachel's website at

    [   ] #407: "A letter to friends". A letter from grassroots activists to leaders of 15 national environmental groups about goals and tactics (15 Sep '94).
  • [   ] #455: "Controlling Corporations" re WMX Technologies Corp and CSX Corp (17 Aug '95).
  • [   ] #488: "Fixing Corporations-Part 1: Legacy of the Founding Parents" by Jane Anne Morris (4 Ap '96).
  • [   ] #489: " " " -Part 2: Corporations For the 7th Generation" by Jane Anne Morris (11 Ap '96).
  • [   ] #502: "America Needs A Law Prohibiting All Corporate Donations" by Jane Anne Morris (11 Jl '96).
  • [   ] #535: "The Alar Rebellion of 1989" re Uniroyal Corp vs an outraged sovereign citizenry (27 Feb '97).

[   ] "Corporate Security: Monsanto's 'First Amendment' Right to Lie" by Richard Grossman, from Earth Island Journal (Winter '96/97), 1 page. $.25

[   ] "Certificate of Dissolution - Revocation of Corporate Charter of Weyerhaeuser Corporation" (18 Ap '95). Created for a demonstration at the home of George Weyerhaeuser in WA state in which activists revoked the corporation's charter in a colorful and powerful act of street theatre. Contains a partial list of Weyerhaeuser Corporation's environmental, anti-trust, safety and labor violations, 2 pages. $.30

[   ] •Leaflet created for a McDonald's action on 20 May '96, a day of nationally coordinated actions to End Corporate Control. The leaflet highlights the historic McDonald's trial now concluding in England, and encourages eaters to join our new organization. 2 pages. $.30

[   ] Fact Sheets For Students: "Fighting Corporate Power" and "Corporate Power on Campus and the Future of Student Activism" by Rob Inerfeld, 6 pages. $.90

[   ] For Lawyers and Law Students: "Asserting Democratic Control Over Corporations: A Call To Lawyers" from The National Lawyers Guild Practitioner (Fall '95), 8 pages; and "A Call to People's Lawyers: Help End Corporate Rule" from the Sugar Center newsletter (Sep '95), 2 pages - both by Richard Grossman and Ward Morehouse. $1.25

[   ] "Getting Business Off the Public Dole: Model Laws For State and Local Governments to Curb Corporate Welfare Abuse", by Robert Benson, Loyola Law School Professor, 29 pages. $4

[   ] "Take Back the Corporation: A Legalese Primer" and "Grassroots Environmental Movements and Restructuring the Corporation" by Jane Anne Morris, 4 pages. $.60

[   ] "Resolution to the Founding Convention of the Labor Party" (on "withdrawing rights and privileges which corporations have taken from [US citizens]") - June '96, 1 page. $.25

[   ] "The Struggle for Democratic Control of Corporations: Taking the Offensive - An Agenda for Action" and "Ending Corporate Governance", from San Diego Review (1 Oct '94), 2 pages. $.30

[   ] Richard Grossman's letter to the Progressive inviting the editor to confront the need to withdraw privileges and immunities from giant corporations (May '95), 4 pages. $.60

[   ] "Nations vs Corporations". A comparison of the size of nations' economies and the revenues of transnational corporations. A real eye-opener! 2 pages. $.30

[   ] "Eleven Inherent Rules of Corporate Behavior" by Jerry Mander - excerpted from In the Absence of the Sacred, from Earth Island Journal (Winter '95), 2 pages. $.30

Books: lots of great titles!!!!! One of the ways we fundraise to keep our Director fed and housed is by selling hundreds of the most amazing social change books on a very diverse set of subjects - both by mail order and via booktabling at conferences and festivals across CA and OR. Shipping: Please add $2 for the first book, $0.75 for each additional. (California residents add 7.25% sales tax)

If you'd like a full list of titles, all from non-corporate independent publishers, send us $1. Here's a small sample of titles:

[   ] Action and Knowledge: Breaking the Monopoly with Participatory Action Research edited by Orlando Fals-Borda & Muhammed Anisur Rahman. $16.50
[   ] Class Warfare, Noam Chomsky interviewed by David Barsamian. $15
[   ] Corporations Are Gonna Get Your Mama: Globalization and the Downsizing of the American Dream edited by Kevin Danaher (essays by Chomsky, Korten, Nader, Rifkin, etc). $15.95
[   ] Don't Lose Your Unemployment Benefits! A Handbook for Workers and the Unemployed by Jose Portela (for the thousands of victims of corporate downsizing). $12.95
[   ] Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision Making by Sam Kaner. $24.95
[   ] Fear at Work: Job Blackmail, Labor and the Environment by Richard Kazis and Richard Grossman. $12 (an out-of-print classic - reduced from $14.95)
[   ] Futures by Design: The Practice of Ecological Planning edited by Doug Aberley. $14.95
[   ] Grassroots and Non-profit Leadership: A Guide for Organizations in Changing Times by Berit & George Lakey, Rod Napier, & Janice Robinson. $16.95
[   ] Home: A Bioregional Reader edited by Van Andruss & others. $16.95
[   ] In the Tiger's Mouth: An Empowerment Guide for Social Action by Katrina Shields. $14.95
[   ] Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky & the Media (a companion to the film) by Mark Achbar. $20
[   ] (The) Maximum Wage: A Common-Sense Prescription for Revitalizing America - By Taxing the Very Rich by Sam Pizzigati. $11.95
[   ] Toxic Sludge Is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry by John Stauber & Sheldon Rampton. $16.95
[   ] Toxic Struggles: The Theory & Practice of Environmental Justice edited by Richard Hofrichter. $16.95
[   ] Turtle Talk: Voices for a Sustainable Future edited by Christopher & Judith Plant. $9.95
[   ] When Workers Decide: Workplace Democracy Takes Root in North America edited by Len Krimerman & Frank Lindenfeld. $16.95
[   ] Whose Common Future? Reclaiming the Commons by The Ecologist. $14.95


[   ] "Corporation, Corporation", a 4-part radio series on the hidden legal history and nature of giant corporations, and new efforts to redefine them, based on an interview with Richard Grossman, produced by the Virtual Radio Network, 102" on 2 audiotapes. $15
Nine audiotapes (each 90") on Dismantling Corporate Power: a program of nine seminars (provocative talks by three or four activists/organizers/labor historians/radical lawyers/etc.) plus a keynote address by Richard Grossman - all organized by POCLAD - at the annual Environmental Law Conference in Eugene, OR (March '96). $6 each or $40 for all nine.
[   ] 1. Student organizing inside college and university corporations
[   ] 2. Corporate violence and lawlessness against workers, political activists & the environment
[   ] 3. Corporate lawyers and judges transforming the law
[   ] 4. Giant corporations acting as political bodies
[   ] 5. Citizen struggles against corporate power in the 20th century
[   ] 6. Alternatives to giant corporations
[   ] 7. Rethinking Property/Regulatory and Administrative Law as corporate shields
[   ] 8. People's lawyers in popular offensives against corporate rule / Withdrawing Constitutional protections from corporations
[   ] 9. Building a Planetary Corporate Disempowerment/Dismantling movement (just 20 minutes of presentations), plus Richard Grossman's keynote address at the banquet: Revoking the Corporation: Law, Democracy and the Sovereign People

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Here's the total for the items listed above: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_____________

I wish to join Democracy Unlimited: $25 (or $15 low-income, students, seniors). . . . . . . . $_____________
Members receive four newsletters, bumpersticker ("People Are Sovereign Over Corporations"),
20% discount at all our events, and 10% discount on our hundreds of book titles. What a deal!

Total: $_____________

please make all checks or money orders payable to:
Democracy Unlimited, POB 27, Arcata, CA 95518

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