Stalking Horse for the Sovereign People or Next Bulworth - Whoever Shows Up First...

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"Fellow deposed Americans,
I run for this high office because I need its altitude to quickly cascade some grave new memes your way: Big Bodies are alive, cause 80% of our eco-social ills, and we can't even really envision them yet. The recent corporate takeover of our governance and society is not simply a political or economic phenomenon. It as a true evolutionary usurpation of human destiny by a far more primitive, soulless species. More to the point, I can show you how we can stop it."
Official Portrait
"Success is moving from
failure to failure without
a loss of enthusiasm."

Winston Churchill

Kubiak's Qualifications for Office
and the Benefit of your Doubt

Birth Karma

  • Time
    17:45, April 5, 1945
  • Place
    People's Hospital, Akron, Ohio
  • Lineage
    Polish, Czech, Black Irish & Pennsylvania Dutch
  • Name
    • Wladislav - "Leading the people"
    • David - "Beloved"
    • Kubiak - "Supplanter"
    • (Francis) - Catholic confirmation tag
      picked at age10 for "Big Frankie" of Assisi,
      Big Body scourge of his day
"Even before my years as an SDS-enamored pre-med student in the Sixties, I was gifted with an odd bio-political bifocal vision. The politics I got from Grandpa H.D. Byrne, who was an Ohio state senator, Kent State poli-sci prof, and ardent Adlai Stevenson fan. The biology was from our Dickensonian family doctor, Orville de Weese, whose learnedly loquacious visits to our farm, the adjoining rivered woods, and my frequently messed up frame linked the worlds of garden, wild and interior physiology indelibly in my heart. Years in the East taught me how they both fit together and why both are vital to comprehend our world. This campaign hopes to share that vision so you can find your way home on your own."


With Brother J
Consulting Reverend J
Fritjof, Chick & Hazel
Trying to think of one good thing
about Big Bodies with Fritjof Capra,
Chick Callenbach and Hazel Henderson
His Eminence MC
With NBA legend
Mike "The Spike" Crichton

Professional Experience

  • Job History
    Farmworker, Housepainter, Cook, Lobsterman, Psychiatric Technician
    Music Director, SF Pavillion (Osaka Expo), Coffee House and Blues Bar Owner, Video Producer, Journalist, University Lecturer (Memetics, Mass Communications), Editor, Virtual Politician
  • Saltation Project
Populist Meme Cascades Must Start Up High
Among the Eminent & Unincorporated
Singularities & Strange Attractors I
Singularities & Strange Attractors II
Shortlist Sample of our 100 Consultations
Meme Meisters Naisbitt, Styron, Thurow, Buchwald, Cousins
Galbraith, Hersch. Pfeiffer, Turkel, Steinem, Asimov

Public Affairs

  • National Service
    US Peace Corps, Rural Korea, Public Health (1967-1970)
  • Elected Office
    Student Council, Kennebunk High
    Student Council, Bowdoin College
    Board of Directors, Japan Civil Liberties Union, Kyoto
    Virtual Mayor, Kyoto, Japan
  • Public Service
    Founder Member/Project Director, Kyoto Citizen Diplomacy Association
    Founder Member/Board of Directors, ISSK
    (International Society to Save Kyoto)
    Board of Directors, Kyoto Initiative & Referendum Council
    Director, Nancho Ijin Butai
    Director, International Citizen Access Center

Private Affairs

  • Hometown
    Kennebunkport, Maine
    (What a coincidence!)
  • Foreign Residences
    Kyoto, Japan & Udaipur, Mewar, India (also usurped turf)
  • Family
    In Excelsis
  • Late Night Fears
    The Curse of Ignaz
  • Criminal Record
    Severely provoked


Kubiak Work Blurbs

  • "One of the most interesting minds on the planet!" -- Howard Rheingold
  • "Fine, fine stuff" -- Diane Sawyer
  • "I've never seen anything quite like it" -- Michael Crichton
  • "Eloquent, innovative and important" -- Jerry Mander
  • "Utterly original and intriguing" -- Fritjof Capra
  • "When do we see the money?" -- Walter Kubiak